Wednesday, September 12, 2007


i've eaten so much crap! i wish they didn't have candy here. i'm waiting for my sugar coma any moment now. funny thing is that i'm always thinking in my head shit i wanna write in my journal and then i get to the keyboard and you'd swear I was a natural born blonde. i'm like space comando. i've actually been like that all week. i've been catching myself at work. little's like ..shit i know better. i keep singing over and over in my head "if you only had a brain" from the wizard of oz. speaking of which..anyone ever do the wizard of floyd? i think you are suppose to be high when you do it and sense i don't do those kinda was really stupid. however i really like pink floyd, so i'm not putting down the music at all. the wizard of oz was my favorite movie when i was a kid. i have the record soundtrack. it used to scare me though..the wicked witch of the west would laugh in there and it was just freaky. speaking of witches...halloween is coming up and i don't know what to do. thinking dominatrix..but it's just too damn easy. i really wouldn't be dressing up. also speaking of which ( the other one now) i did put that spike collar in dennis's (my 3rd shift pharmasist) drawer. he hasn't noticed it yet but he'll roll when he finds it. i can't wait to get him so bad! la la la..i wanna go to bed now. i think the sugar is making me more tired that awake. plus all that candy isn't good for you. i'm starting to eat like vince. (sighs) maybe instead of going to my thighs, it will go to my boobs for once and i'll actually start looking like a woman! just kidding. anyway. i've got some more old pics that are better. there just there temporarily until i can get my page up and more pics scanned. go to there my senior pics. i was 17. man i feel old now. alright nighterz ya all.