Wednesday, September 12, 2007


i've eaten so much crap! i wish they didn't have candy here. i'm waiting for my sugar coma any moment now. funny thing is that i'm always thinking in my head shit i wanna write in my journal and then i get to the keyboard and you'd swear I was a natural born blonde. i'm like space comando. i've actually been like that all week. i've been catching myself at work. little's like ..shit i know better. i keep singing over and over in my head "if you only had a brain" from the wizard of oz. speaking of which..anyone ever do the wizard of floyd? i think you are suppose to be high when you do it and sense i don't do those kinda was really stupid. however i really like pink floyd, so i'm not putting down the music at all. the wizard of oz was my favorite movie when i was a kid. i have the record soundtrack. it used to scare me though..the wicked witch of the west would laugh in there and it was just freaky. speaking of witches...halloween is coming up and i don't know what to do. thinking dominatrix..but it's just too damn easy. i really wouldn't be dressing up. also speaking of which ( the other one now) i did put that spike collar in dennis's (my 3rd shift pharmasist) drawer. he hasn't noticed it yet but he'll roll when he finds it. i can't wait to get him so bad! la la la..i wanna go to bed now. i think the sugar is making me more tired that awake. plus all that candy isn't good for you. i'm starting to eat like vince. (sighs) maybe instead of going to my thighs, it will go to my boobs for once and i'll actually start looking like a woman! just kidding. anyway. i've got some more old pics that are better. there just there temporarily until i can get my page up and more pics scanned. go to there my senior pics. i was 17. man i feel old now. alright nighterz ya all.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

i wish...

if i had a computer at home..i'd never leave the house. i'd become this computer junky. i sneak into the poison center when it's slow and play around. tonight i started designing my new webpage. i'm frustrated because i don't have the time i'd really like to put into it. I find something that's cool and then want to put other stuff on it. downfall of perfectionism. anyway.. my roommate and I just completely avoid the whole subject of...hey you were naked with my brother in bed the other night. i didn't say anything and neither did she. it was wierd, but we were comparing jewerly and shit. she went out with her girlfriend for drinks tonight. i wish i didn't have to work. sounded fun. atleast it is a slow night. I should get pictures back from my trip to michigan (i know FINALLY) i've been bugging the vinman to get those developed. i try not to get on his case about anything though. we went to cedarburg this past weekend and used up the film. he dropped it off, but never made it back to pick it up. he said he'd have them for me tommorrow morning. i hope so. there should be a lot of nice pictures on there :) My other girlfriend Anjie called tonight. (not Angela=pebbles) she was coming home from the bars. wanted to know if i wanted to late lunch tommorrow. i'll probably want to sleep. though...i slept 12 hours today. sometimes my body just crashes. stress has a lot to do with it. plus i'm just constantly going, going, going. this week seems short. i think because it's so chopped up. I'm kinda freaking about the wedding this weekend. i don't know what to wear. i have a lot of things and dresses and stuff, but it just seems that i'd be over dressed. the dress i SHOULD wear i'm wearing to carol's i already have that put aside. hell if i know. vince isn't even wearing a tie (pouts) Men take a hint from a female, you guys look SO damn YUMMY! when you dress up. good enough to lick,tackle, tie up, and well...use your imagination. hell you guys always thought i was in music because i liked it :) orcestras full of guys in tuxes. (drool!) Anyway, i gotta do some work. i've been playing too long. they are starting to wonder out there. look for a web page coming soon. Thanx Ed for the hint! Your a peach. love ya babe!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

icky, icky, icky

um...things you never want to see in your life, is one of your family members having sex. isn't just my luck that my brother decided to sleep over last night in my roomate's bed. and even more embarrassing is that i had company when i came home. i don't think i wanna live there anymore if there are going to be seeing each other. my bed is 2 feet away from her's. there are no doors..i don't bring my b/f over there to sleep because it's akward, so i don't expect her to do it to me in return. vince said i could move in with him, but we decided that wouldn't be a good idea. i won't until there is a ring on my finger. and he said that if we do get married, living together now might spoil it for later. i dunno. i had kinda of a mixed up week. i've worked day shifts these last two days. tomorrow i go back to nights. if carol doesn't die before this weekend, vince's ex is getting married this sunday. we're supposed to be going out of town for that. his mom is getting so bad now. they are basically pushing her into a drug induced coma until she passes because she's SO aggitated. it's so sad. vince's isn't handling it well at all. angela's grandma just died too. i feel so bad for her. we went out for dinner and drinks last night. it was nice to get away. well vince just called and wanted to know if i wanted to head his way for dinner and to watch the women's finals for gymnastics tonight. so...i'm going to bug out. i'll catch you tomorrow night on the darkside.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

soup is good food...and there is no more left

at night there is a snack shop at the hospital. it's generally opened 23 hours a day. they usually have soup there, and it's not just soup 80% of the time, it's fantasmic soup. it's healthy, tastey, soup! well i'm just mifted. kinda still feeling icky, i thought, hell soup would be a nice treat. it was chicken noodle. it was almost gone at 11pm. so i ventured up there around 2am because rumor had it, they replaced the soup and it was full now. guess was gone, but not only that but two security gaurd from the ajoining (big people's hospital as we call it) were there and one of the ladies that works in the snack shop set aside to bowls for them. WHY!? should people that don't work here get piority? just curious. i'll live with out soup, but why do people get such special attention. it's like you have to have a "snack shop connection" in order to get food around there. it just baffles me. okay enough about the soup tangent. tonight has been a really quiet night. steady but not a fricken war zone like last night. feels good! last couple of hours. i was feeling motivated before, thinking about all the stuff i wana do today. don't know if i'll sleep yet. I still need to record that song for Vince's mom, but i need his equipment for it. i kinda wanted to cook and clean today. just call me susie home maker. my friends used to call me betty crocker because i was the only one that like and knew how to cook. not only that but i used to do it completely ripped out of my mind after bar time. my friend mel was completely impressed. i almost forgot to tell ya i finally got my storage key. (cheers) i guess my bitchy letter worked. I got my dress out of there so i can get it dry cleaned before the funneral. plus i'm suppose to go to a wedding next weekend (if carol doesn't die) and all my dresses are in there. I couldn't find the angel though. i still had some supplies to make them, but i duno if i am or not. she's so confused, i duno if she'll really be able to appreciate it. maybe i'll make it after she dies and put in on her grave. i wanna see angela (pebbles) tomorrow. i just have this need to do something. i think it's because i've been sick and working all week. i'm restless. i kinda wanna go out dancing too. i haven't been out in SO long. it just doesn't feel right with all that's going on. it's hard to relax and stuff. but i kinda just wanna go and lose myself in the music. let myself go for awhile. dancing is such a sexual powerful thing to me. i think it's because of my love and undying passion for music. it's just SO sensual. cage dancing would be the perfect job for me. no stripping, just dancing. and i'd be protected, no slimely guys slamming their body against me (guys, girls really don't like that) la de da. well i should go. i need to do the albuteral run and we don't have 1ml syringes left and no one made any today, so i need to draw some up. plus i got two cases while farting around on here that i need to toxical. i'll be off til monday. peace and love my friends.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


today was a good day. really how long has it been since i've said that?!?! i went to breakfast with vince...didn't really feel like eating (still kinda feeling green) we talked and snuggled and hugged and damn it felt great. we both just escaped our problems for a little while. it felt so great. it was just us. i live for that moment. i even wore my stinky shoes for him, he was VERY happy. i had to hide them though after i took them off. didn't want him to steal them. we talked about how his mom made refferance to us being married. like she was expecting it. it made me feel good. kinda like she wanted to happen. then when i was going to sleep he came and tucked me in his bed and talked for awhile. we talked about his nephews and parenting. i told him what a great father he would be. before we were teasing, he's just like let's have twins. twin little girls. we talked and laughed about that too. it was so nice just to kinda get away from reality for awhile. we said that he was so happy with me and he's sorry that we've had difficult times. i told him knowing that he loves me is all i need to stand besides him forever. for better or's what you do when you love someone. i feel so warm and mushy! it was good to see him when i did today. it's a little part of time i'm going to lock inside and cherish :)

oh my goodness...oh my goodness

what a night! what a day! It started like this...i called vince to see if i could meet him later at his parents. i needed to see him. we decided to go to breakfast tomorrow (which is already today) and he ad to go so i said i'll see you later. the rental people called about the key AGAIN! they said that my apartment manager has is and all i have to do is knock on her door. well shit on me the weeks later i still don't have the key cause the bithc ain't home. (sorry i'm very annoyed) so i left a not so nice letter saying fork over the key or the lock will be cut. ever have this happen to're driving along and see some one that kinda resembles someone you use to know and talk to, but lost contact with them. several hours later by chance they call you out of the blue??!? my tattoo artist called. haven't talked to him since march. i left with kinda bitter taste in my mouth from his g/f. she didn't like the fact that i was hanging around and given his track record didn't blame her. so she told me off and it wasn't really cool, so i let it go. he calls out of the blue. called info. tells me his pissed at abby and he's horny. i tell him i'm in love and happy with what i have. he just opened his own shop. i'm happy for him. he's kinda one of those guys that i couldn't really have a plutonic relationship with, because he always turns it around. i am very attracted to him and was very intrested in him, but i can have self control and would absolutely NEVER do anything to jepordize my relationship with Vince. so i guess my tattoo days are done. i think if i do end up getting my rib cage finished Vince will be at myside watching him. So i showed up at Vince's parents house with two boquets of flowers. i liked them both, so i bought them both :) he was SO shocked to see me. he was kinda out it too. his mom was sleeping and we talked for awhile. went out in the garage to watch the storms roll in. he likes that. i'm petrified of them :( oh well. then we sat in by his mom and watched her sleep. Vince was telling me that his mom woke up this morning and said "did vince get married?" and tony replied, "no.." and she goes.."oh, he didn't marry erin?" and then she asked if sue got married. and tony said "well sue is married" she got all excited and said "oh she finally got remarried?" ton was like "no, she's still married to chirs." then we was asking if her 4 and 6 year old grandchildren got married?! she's really confused. but i was flattered SO much. she woke up staring at the celine and said "you look so nice today" and vince and i looked at each other? vince said who you talking to and she looked over at us and said "oh honey you look good too." i think she has one foot in heaven and is seeing things and predicting things as well. i kissed her goodnight and all fell apart then. i, ms. i'm terrified of storms drove 40 min to work in severe weather. not very happy about that. street were flooded. i hydroplaned everywhere. it just kept coming. it stormed for like 3 hours. then at work right as everyone was leaving...power failure. very scary at a hospital. of course we have back up but half our systems went down. the printers had to be reset and the suremeds freaked out. so we had to reset all of that. if that wasn't enough we got our two worst admits. two brothers on a billion different meds. it takes 5 hours to enter and fill all their meds. shitty gets worse..THEN of all things, there is a fire on the sixth floor. REAL fire. i had a doctor scream at me on the poison phone. i couldn't get a hold of the toxicalogist and to top that off tow people ate amanita mushrooms! URGHH. they might die. so needless to say...tonight has been hell. i'm looking forward to leaving and going to breakfast. i must go now because i'm severely behind and shouldn't be doing this anyway, but it's the first moment to actually sit down tonight. whew!

Friday, August 24, 2007

la la la

alrighty i'm done playing for now. going to go stock er and do some work. i have so much to say..and so little time.