Wednesday, August 29, 2007

icky, icky, icky

um...things you never want to see in your life, is one of your family members having sex. isn't just my luck that my brother decided to sleep over last night in my roomate's bed. and even more embarrassing is that i had company when i came home. i don't think i wanna live there anymore if there are going to be seeing each other. my bed is 2 feet away from her's. there are no doors..i don't bring my b/f over there to sleep because it's akward, so i don't expect her to do it to me in return. vince said i could move in with him, but we decided that wouldn't be a good idea. i won't until there is a ring on my finger. and he said that if we do get married, living together now might spoil it for later. i dunno. i had kinda of a mixed up week. i've worked day shifts these last two days. tomorrow i go back to nights. if carol doesn't die before this weekend, vince's ex is getting married this sunday. we're supposed to be going out of town for that. his mom is getting so bad now. they are basically pushing her into a drug induced coma until she passes because she's SO aggitated. it's so sad. vince's isn't handling it well at all. angela's grandma just died too. i feel so bad for her. we went out for dinner and drinks last night. it was nice to get away. well vince just called and wanted to know if i wanted to head his way for dinner and to watch the women's finals for gymnastics tonight. so...i'm going to bug out. i'll catch you tomorrow night on the darkside.


shreioshea19yahoocom said...

did you just say that your brother was having sex with your roomate when you got home? that kind of sucks.

linhaoecdnta73 said...

i didn't like it. it was not fun. and she didn't even mention anything sorry about that. it was embarrassing. my friend really wasn't amused either.

arangurenasuschyveas92 said...

No, I wasn't at all.

bellexinakaryahoocom said...

girly girl?! are you feeling better? hope you are resting up for this weekend. carol's not doing good, so i don't even know if we're going. i still appreciate you working for me. Dennis seems to be in a great mood, and nights have been quite. the census is down, so you should have a nice relaxing weekend. lots of time to play. anyhow...i'll call you about rading your closet if i'm going. love you. hope you took a hot bath and relaxed!